28 research outputs found

    P Colony Automata with LL(k)-like Conditions

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    We investigate the possibility of the deterministic parsing (that is, parsing without backtracking) of languages characterized by (generalized) P colony automata. We de ne a class of P colony automata satisfying a property which resembles the LL(k) property of context-free grammars, and study the possibility of parsing the characterized languages using a k symbol lookahead, as in the LL(k) parsing method for context-free languages

    On the Classes of Languages Characterized by Generalized P Colony Automata

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    We study the computational power of generalized P colony automata and show how it is in uenced by the capacity of the system (the number of objects inside the cells of the colony) and the types of programs which are allowed to be used (restricted and unrestricted com-tape and all-tape programs, or programs allowing any kinds of rules)

    Deterministic Parsing with P Colony Automata

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    Kisegítő berendezés ergonómiai szempontjai

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    A berendezés alkalmazási területe miatt szükséges ergonómiai vizsgálat lépéseit mutatom be. A téma multidiszciplináris volta miatt az alapvető ergonómiai szempontokon túlmenően, a biomechanika és az autóipari szabványok, ajánlások területét is érintve a tervezéshez használható elveket, útmutatásokat készítek

    Parsing languages of P colony automata

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    In this paper a subclass of generalized P colony automata is defined that satisfies a property which resembles the LL(k) property of context-free grammars The possibility of parsing the characterized languages using a k symbol lookahead, as in the LL(k) parsing method for context-free languages, is examined

    Deterministic Parsing with P Colony Automata

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    Reversed phase HPLC for strontium ranelate: Method development and validation applying experimental design

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    A reverse-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) method was developed for strontium ranelate using a full factorial, screening experimental design. The analytical procedure was validated according to international guidelines for linearity, selectivity, sensitivity, accuracy and precision. A separate experimental design was used to demonstrate the robustness of the method. Strontium ranelate was eluted at 4.4 minutes and showed no interference with the excipients used in the formulation, at 321 nm. The method is linear in the range of 20–320 μg mL–1 (R2 = 0.99998). Recovery, tested in the range of 40–120 μg mL–1, was found to be 96.1–102.1 %. Intra-day and intermediate precision RSDs ranged from 1.0–1.4 and 1.2–1.4 %, resp. The limit of detection and limit of quantitation were 0.06 and 0.20 μg mL–1, resp. The proposed technique is fast, cost-effective, reliable and reproducible, and is proposed for the routine analysis of strontium ranelate

    Intervallum értékű logikai kalkulus

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